Weird Life and Culture|Amazing Life

to share with you all about weird life and culture which maybe exist around us

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The 150ft-high restaurant

Imagine that you enjoy yourself a meal in the SKY...I had found these photos...but the location is limited in Paris and Brussels, while New York and Niagara Falls are on the agenda. I can imagine how amazing it will be if the we enjoy our meal on the top of Niagara Falls. For your information, for a mere £10,000, they'll drive it over to Britain for you to host your own sky-high dinner party. It's amazing.

BOOK at or call 00 32 2 333 38 10



Anonymous said...

I just wonder how they bring the food up there... Do they give superman a new job? Curious about that point...

yani_worldpeace said...

They should order the food before the crane carry them to the sky...i think's amazing, right. Thanks for blog hopping

natural observer said...

hi nice 2 meet u here

yani_worldpeace said...

nice to you too...thanks for visiting

Anonymous said...

wow that's so cool :)
i love your blog!

Unknown said...

Wow food served in the skies dat wud be great..I loved the one at Niagara Falls..though it wud b scary..!!Check some more interesting stuff dat yu probably never thought about here

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